Patricks Day has made a lot of things come to light. I am as much responsible for what transpired if not more, and I haven’t had an outlet until now. For Joe to be on trail and for me not to be was not just in anyway. This was the only fair and just outcome at this point. I thought it was important that it came from me that it wasn’t simply that I missed court or avoided it. I knew this would be the outcome for a long time, but we had to wait for it to play out. The prosecutors told me that if I wanted the case dismissed that is exactly what they would do.

I am taking complete responsibility for the events that transpired that night. I told them Joe is a wonderful man and partner to me and that this has become a giant misunderstanding. I told them I wasn’t a victim of domestic violence. I reached out to the prosecuting attorneys and I told them that I wouldn’t be participating in the case, I begged them to drop the charges. The case wasn’t dismissed because I didn’t show up, and that alone. It is unfortunate that this matter happened altogether but at this point the relief of having the case dismissed is enormous.

I couldn’t be happier with the outcome of this matter. I want anyone who is reading this or listening to this to allow me to be the voice for myself finally. This is important for me to say in my own words, my relationship with Joe and for my family and friends as well. Writing this is difficult because I fear that someone will hear this and think that Joe made me write this, or I did this as a favor or even that I was even paid off to do so. Joe isn’t a “wife beater” or any variation of sort. What makes the legal system successful in this matter is that the outcome states what I’ve been hoping for all along - that Joe is found not guilty because Joe is not guilty of the accusations made against him. What has been so challenging is sitting on the sidelines while Joe has been made guilty until proven innocent in the court of public opinion. I think I speak for everyone when I say that the job they do is important and I never want to minimize that. Although we were all waiting anxiously on the side lines for this day to come as I feel that I have been spoken for up until now. It’s not a secret that the legal system can take some time. The first thing I want to say is that I respect the work of law enforcement, the due diligence that is carried out during the process. It’s been incredibly challenging waiting for today to speak in my own words as the alleged “victim” in this matter. I am grateful that I have finally been given a voice.